Below is the detailed table for South America. Explanations and sources for each column are listed after the table.

Country Population (Rank) Area (sq mi / sq km2) (Rank) Life Expectancy at Birth (Years)
GDP Per Capita – PPP (Rank) Median Age (Years) Literacy Rate (%) Access to Electricity (%) / (Population w/o Electricity) Big Mac Index
French Guiana (France) 243,000 (185) n/a 75.9 (51) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Brazil 192,376,496 (5) 3,287,612 / 8,514,877 (5) 72.4 (91) $11,769 (75) 29.3 90.0 98.3% (3.3 M) $5.68 (+35%)
Uruguay 3,251,526 (136) 69,898 / 181,034 (91) 76.4 (45) $15,113 (60) 33.6 98.8 98.3% (0.1 M) $4.63 (+10%)
Argentina 40,117,096 (32) 1,073,500 / 2,780,400 (8) 75.3 (59) $17,516 (51) 30.5 97.7 97.2% (1.1 M) $4.64 (+10%)
Chile 17,402,630 (60) 291,933 / 756,102(38) 78.6 (34) $17,222 (52) 32.1 96.5 98.5% (0 M) $4.05 (-4%)
Peru 30,135,875 (40) 496,225 / 1,285,216 (20) 71.4 (104) $10,062 (83) 26.2 89.6 85.7% (4.2 M) $3.71 (-12%)
Ecuador 14,483,499 (68) 98,985 / 256,369 (78) 75.0 (61) $8,492 (91) 25.7 91.0 92.2% (1.1 M) n/a

Comparison Countries (representing most of our student subscribers):

Country Population (Rank) Area (sq mi / sq km2) (Rank) Life Expectancy at Birth (Years)
GDP Per Capita – PPP (Rank) Median Age (Years) Literacy Rate (%) Access to Electricity (%) / (Population w/o Electricity) Big Mac Index
United States 313,912,000 (3) 3,794,100 / 9,826,675 (3) 78.2 (38) $48,387 (6) 36.9 99.0 n/a $4.20 (0%)
United Kingdom 62,262,000 (22) 93,800 / 242,900 (80) 80.5 (13) $36,090 (22) 40.0 99.0 n/a $3.82 (-9%)
Australia 22,669,992 (52) 2,969,907 / 7,692,024 (6) 81.2 (6) $40,234 (14) 37.7 99.0 n/a $4.94 (+18%)
Canada 34,856,900 (35) 3,855,100 /9,984,670 (2) 80.7 (10) $40,541 (12) 41.0 99.0 n/a $4.63 (+10%)

Population: Various national census data and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Area: United Nations Statistics Division

Life Expectancy: List by United Nations

GDP Per Capita: International Monetary Fund

Median Age: The CIA World Fact Book

Literacy Rate: United Nations Development Program

Access to Electricity: IEA, World Energy Outlook 2011

Big Mac Index: The Economist
“The Economist’s Big Mac index is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity: in the long run, exchange rates should adjust to equal the price of a basket of goods and services in different countries. This particular basket holds a McDonald’s Big Mac, whose price around the world we compared with its American average of $4.20.”

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