The Palace of Godollo near Budapest Hungary [Video]
Catch up with the Trekking the Planet team as they visited the Palace of Godollo, which is located about 20 miles / 30 kilometers east of Budapest, Hungary.
Catch up with the Trekking the Planet team as they visited the Palace of Godollo, which is located about 20 miles / 30 kilometers east of Budapest, Hungary.
Catch up with the Trekking the Planet team as they cover their time in the country of Slovenia.
We have just completed our second European trek. This four-day hike took us through a small section of the Julian Alps, in the country of Slovenia. We wanted to hike here to take advantage of the hut-to-hut system, which is a type of trekking found in Europe.
There are a few unusual things in our bags that we have brought on our journey. Read on to learn about the eight most surprising items in our luggage.
Witness Sandy and Darren’s reunion with their daughters, Lauren and Kristen, after seven months apart. This video also features a Q&A session with them about travel.
After 10 days in Poland and Slovakia, we have left Eastern Europe to visit Germany. We chose to stay in two cities that we had not previously visited, Dresden and Bamberg. Germany is also the place for a very special family reunion, almost exactly halfway into our 14-month trip.
Because of several issues in West Africa we have had to cancel this part of our itinerary. Read on to learn about where we will be traveling to instead.
Ewa Gawryla, Krokov city guide, describes the conditions that existed in Krakow during World War II. The interview was performed outside of the Oskar Schindler Factory – a new museum in Krakow
During our week in Poland, we received a great introduction to the country, a ‘primer’ of sorts. We wanted to learn more about this country’s culture and its turbulent history. In addition, we wanted to view its natural features by bus and train.
Our third series of wallpaper, covering Nepal through Uzbekistan, is now available!
See photos and video clips of Copenhagen and learn about their innovative bicycle super highway.
We did not have the budget to cruise down the Norwegian coast and see the fjords by sea. So we pieced together an overland itinerary to see as much of this scenic country as possible.