How We Planned Trekking the Planet
One of the most frequently asked questions we receive when we are out presenting to students is: “How did you plan such as long trip? “ Read further to learn about our planning.
One of the most frequently asked questions we receive when we are out presenting to students is: “How did you plan such as long trip? “ Read further to learn about our planning.
Because of our need to carry all of our trekking gear in a rolling duffel bag, we have no choice but to go find equipment that is small and light. Read about our choices in this story.
Clothing is a major component of our around-the-world journey. We need to have items that are lightweight and versatile, as well as sturdy, to last for a 14-month trip.
In September 2003, my wife, Sandy and I, left our full-time IT jobs and took an around-the-world trip with our two daughters. At the time, Kristen (age 10) and Lauren (age 12) were in 5th and 7th grade, respectively.
Part of the mission of Trekking the Planet is to promote an active lifestyle as we undertake a series of hikes during our 14-month journey. Our hope is our example will encourage others to find ways to become more active as well.
One of the basic principles of Trekking the Planet is a preference for travel that is “closer to the ground”. One benefit of ground travel is the reduced “carbon footprint” over airplanes.
Did you know that American knowledge of geography is one of the worst in the world? A National Geographic-Roper Study that surveyed young Americans showed that 88 percent of those questioned could not find Afghanistan on a map of Asia. Sixty-three percent could not find Iraq or Saudi Arabia on a map, and 75 percent could not point out Iran or Israel.