Sandy provides an overview of our final trek in Europe.

Our fourth and final trek is our longest and most difficult – a three-week journey across the Swiss Alps. The route we have chosen goes by several names: the Swiss National Walking Route 1, the Via Alpina Green Route, and the Swiss Alpine Pass Route. Our hike will begin in Vaduz, Liechtenstein, where we will walk across the Rhine River to enter Switzerland. From there, we will trek a total of 21 stages over 23 days through the Alps, crossing 16 mountain passes, before finishing on the shore of Lake Geneva in Montreux.
This will be our most challenging hike, not only in terms of elevation gain and loss each day, but because of the potential weather conditions we could encounter. We will be hiking in August, which is a wet month in the Alps. There is the possibility of sudden thunderstorms, poor visibility, and even snow at the passes. Fortunately, the opportunity exists each day to use public transportation to assist us in case we have to skip ahead. Our hope is to hike as much of the trail as possible, alternating our nights between stays in mountain huts and small towns.
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If you are interested in following our journey, you can see where we are on the map on our homepage. We are also posting daily updates on Facebook and Instagram.
One the first day of our trek, we recorded this one-minute video.