During our global travels we interviewed a wide variety of individuals. Our goal was to expose students and armchair travels to different people around the world. Our interviews took place in Australia, Nepal, Uzbekistan, Finland, Denmark, Poland, Hungary and Kenya. Take a look below:
Animal Caretakers at Wing’s Wildlife Park – Australia
In February 2012 we visited Wing’s Wildlife Park in Tasmania, Australia. In this video you will see Tasmanian devils, koalas, wombats, kangaroos and more! You can learn about Wing’s Wildlife Park and their mission at http://www.wingswildlife.com.au.
Former King of Mustang – Nepal
While trekking in the former kingdom of Mustang in Nepal, we were honored to have an audience with the onetime king. This video shows some of the questions that we asked. You will also witness traditional village life, explore the four-story Jhong cave and visit the Great Compassion Boarding School in Lo Manthang.
Village Elder – Uzbekistan
While in a tiny village in the Nuratau Mountains of Uzbekistan, we interviewed a 92-year-old elder who tells about his life during Soviet times. This video also highlights Tashkent, Samarkand and Bukhara – all cities on the ancient Silk Road to China.
Helsinki Chef – Finland
While in Helsinki, Finland, we interviewed Pertti (“Peter”) Kallioinen, Head Chef at the Pure Bistro. In this video you learn about traditional Finnish cooking techniques as well as new trends in food. This video also shows our visit to the Seurasaari Open-Air Museum where old structures from all over Finland have been relocated.
Copenhagen Bicycle Superhighway Government Official – Denmark
Although we were only in Copenhagen for a short time, we were able to make contact with Helen Lundgaard – spokesperson for the Capital Region’s Cycle Super Highway. The Capital Region includes the city of Copenhagen plus 28 other municipalities. These municipalities have worked together to come up with a plan to increase ridership, lower CO2 and other pollutants, improve public health and make the region more competitive by reducing city congestion. During our interview with Helen we were amazed at the level of thought and innovation going into this ground-breaking project.
The Man Who Ran Around the World (Twice!) – Denmark

Jesper Ken Olsen probably is not a name that you have heard, but it should be! Jesper has literally run around the world twice! We interviewed Jesper for three reasons. First, his journey (like ours) was global in nature. Second, he has some great stories about the hospitality that he received during his trip. And, third, we believe that Jesper is a great example for students – that you can do almost anything once you set your mind to it.
Press PLAY to listen to the audio interview (17:06)
Krakow City Guide – Poland
During this interview, Ewa Gawryla, Krakow city guide, describes the conditions that existed in Krakow during World War II. The interview was performed outside of the Oskar Schindler Factory – a new museum in Krakow.
Godollo Palace Guide – Hungary
While in Budapest the we visited the Palace of Godollo, which is located about 20 miles / 30 kilometers east of the city. The palace has an long history, with both private and state ownership. In the late 1800s Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, and his wife Elisabeth had their summer residence here. We had the opportunity to tour the palace and speak with a palace guide. Learn more about this palace, its history and restoration during the interview in this video.
Samburu Villagers – Kenya
We spent a week in the Samburu region of Kenya, learning about the difference clean water can make in this very dry part of the world. While we were there we interviewed leaders in the Samburu community. You will learn how the Samburu live, how they divide responsibilities and some of the challenges they face. You will also hear traditional Samburu music.
Minister of Education – Kenya
One of the interview highlights of our entire journey was our dialogue with the Minister of Education of Kenya, Hon. Mutula Kilonzo, MP. The Minister covers a range of topics including the importance of education, the near-term and future goals for education in Kenya and some of the challenges facing this African country.